NAWCC article on Bulova 23 Automatics

Submitted by MikeSoCal on August 21, 2010 - 12:39am

Steve, Did you see the Bulova artical in the August 2010 NAWCC Watch and Clock Bulletin? Bruce Shawkey wrote a great article about Bulova 23 jewel automatics and provided an extensive reference table detailing all the Model and ref #'s. He also notes as you have about the quality of Bulova and how it is under rated. check it out.


Stephen Ollman
Posted August 21, 2010 - 4:28am

Mike, whilst I have access to the NAWCCC foums I'm not yet a full member and as such don't have access to the article. Not sure if you can email me a copy. Cheers!

Posted August 25, 2010 - 10:40am

Sure, I will scan into PDF, will try to get it to you tonight

Stephen, so what did you think? anything usefull info in this article?

Fred Fishel
Posted August 29, 2010 - 9:03pm

In reply to by MikeSoCal

 Mike,  I'm new to and would like to read the article too.  Could you email me a copy as you did for another member?  Thanks, Fred Fishel

Stephen Ollman
Posted August 26, 2010 - 8:21am

Mike, I'm looking forward to reading the article when it arrives.

Wayne Hanley
Posted October 30, 2010 - 7:41pm


Is the article posted on site anywhere?  I would like to read the article. Please email

Very Much Appreciated
