Is it possible my neon clock is magnetizing my watches?

Submitted by Bob Bruno on January 11, 2012 - 5:14pm

I have 3 watches that are running extremely fast. I took them to my watchmaker and he asked me if I had them close to a t.v. because at least one was magnetized. The only electrical thing close to the watches is my neon clock. Could this be the culprit? See photo below.

Posted January 11, 2012 - 6:05pm

Bob, the transformers that are used in all neon/flourscent products will produce electro magnetic fields unless they are shielded, which most common varieties of these are not. Basically the answer to your question is yes.

Bob Bruno
Posted January 11, 2012 - 6:18pm

In reply to by simpletreasures

Thank you Bob. That makes perfect sense to me now. Maybe I'll try moving them down one shelf.

Posted January 11, 2012 - 6:14pm

Guess you're going to have give me the clock after all.

Posted January 11, 2012 - 8:19pm

Yes, we all feel your pain ;-) which is why we are currently working out a "visitation schedgule" so you don't have to suffer alone! We're here for you buddy..................

Posted January 11, 2012 - 8:24pm

Bob I forgot to also mention that electric motors will have the same result, so make sure there isn't anything like that around them also! Lisa will take the clock, I'll babysit the watches, and your good to go :-o

Bob Bruno
Posted January 11, 2012 - 11:15pm

You guys are all heart!!!!

Posted January 12, 2012 - 12:55am

I think that my watch winder is magnetizing two of my older watches. I have since turned off and it seemed to help.

Posted January 12, 2012 - 6:35pm

I don't see how them boxes will deflect a magnetic field, the contents would not be shielded in the slightest.


Posted January 12, 2012 - 7:37pm

Bob, I doubt the EM field emitted from the clock would reach the watches. If it did it would be most logical to assume that all of them would have issues, not just a few. I really dont think the EMF from your clock is the issue here and for what it's worth, before watches, I spent 24 years working within the electronics feild.

Posted January 12, 2012 - 8:08pm

Shawn, If I haven't seen it happen with my own eyes I might agree with you. However I've been working with these types of lights, electric motors and have been a general contractor commercial/residential  for over 40 years and I've got screwdrivers/ needle nose pliers/ and other tools that were brand new get magnetized from working with these type of electrical components.

I don't know what watches Bob B. had the problem with or what the gold content of his watches are(gold can't be magnetized), that wasn't his question. His question was "Is it possible", my answer is yes it is possible, seen it, been there, done that.

That being said, did his clock do it? Without measuring the electro magnetic field in the area of his watches it is only a speculation. For all I know, he could have "Space Aliens" living above or below him operating some form of space alien technology that's causing his problem. For all I know, Bob could have a "Tesla" globe in the same room or just on the other side of the wall.

Bob Bruno
Posted January 12, 2012 - 9:28pm

The watches are 37 Gruen Ristside 10k gold filled, 47 Bulova Goddess  14k gold plate, 49 Bulova Excellency 14k gold filled. The only other electronic in the room is a LCD TV. Where I used to display my collection right under for about a year with no problems. I moved the watches to the lower I'll just have to see what happens when they come back from the shop. Thanks for your input.


Posted January 12, 2012 - 9:31pm

Agreed, there's no way we can tell if the field emitted from the clock is 3 ft or 6 ft or more. I'm sure you would concurr, the older the coils are,or the technology used in manufacture, the greater the feild could be and we have no idea of the clocks construction. My experience has been with newer devices that used more moderan components which could reduce the EMF around the devices thus my opinion that I didn't think it was the clock. JMO only but not meant to be taken as 100% certainty by any means. Even in my shop where I have nothing, I have had screwdrivers and tweezers, handpullers and pliers become magnatised just from being used in the repair of watches. Try figuring that one out, I can't, but I am considering using a grounded anti-static mat for my workbench like I had for electronics work a few years back. It's very expensive, about $20.00 a square ft plus the ground clamps and harness but could be very beneficial as it could drain off any excess charges built up in a movement or the tools used to work on them.

captainclock12 (not verified)
Posted January 16, 2012 - 2:57am

His Clock looks to be a 1950s jeweler's neon advertisement clock made for Advertising Bulova Watches for sale in a local Jewelry Store ( I have seen a few of these around) and back in the 1950s the transformers used in neon lighting weren't usually shielded and emitted a lot of EMFs from them enough to magnatize a mechanical wall clock from about 8 feet way and also the older the neon the more important it is to keep the neon happy in other words if your transformer blows out and you have to replace it you just about have to go new old stock or nothing at all because the neon used in the 1950s glowed at a different voltage/frequency than your modern neon and because of that if you don't go new old stock with the transformers on those things you risk blowing out the neon tubes. just a little fun fact about neon lighting I picked up off of American Pickers.

Also electric clock motors are shielded to prevent EMFs from leaking out of the clock motors because a lot of times people put their electric clocks near or on top of their TV sets back in the day and if the electric motors in the old electric clocks wouldn't of been shielded they would of magnatized the TV tubes and picture tube which would of ruined the TV set. I hope this helps.


Bob Bruno
Posted January 16, 2012 - 10:31am

In reply to by captainclock12 (not verified)


  The Clock was made for me in the spring of 2011. So it's less than a year old. I think I remember the guy told me that there was so much glass on the clock he had to use two transformers. I will contact him and ask about the EMF's coming from the clock.


Geoff Baker
Posted January 16, 2012 - 5:32am

Oh Bob, you've got the space aliens back again? Dang it, I thought we lasered those rascals back to planet XV-237.

I was just in AH last Monday for a couple hours, if only I had known.....I had my transmorgifrier with me too.

Bob Bruno
Posted January 16, 2012 - 10:39am

In reply to by Geoff Baker

Geoff, you were in town last Monday..... and you had the transmorgifrier with you? Wow I could have really used that thing! coulda saved me 200 bucks at the watchmakers!

Posted January 16, 2012 - 6:30am

Geoff, I'm in my lab trying to develop a new Degaussing Hat. If I can perfect it, I know where the first ones going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted January 16, 2012 - 6:57am


Bob Bruno
Posted January 16, 2012 - 10:41am

In reply to by simpletreasures

Bob, Please post plans for hat.

Bob Bruno
Posted January 16, 2012 - 11:19am

In reply to by simpletreasures

Bob, thanks for posting the plans. I'll get the wife working on it immediately. :)

Posted January 16, 2012 - 7:34am

the only thing i have to say is, i would love to be able to have a display like that...i have to keep mine hidden in a drawer so the wife doesn't know how many of them i actually keep...

Posted January 16, 2012 - 7:42am

You have a drawer????????????

Right now mine are relegated to cardboard box's

Posted January 16, 2012 - 11:24am

If the Clock were magnetizing the Watches wouldn't it magnetize them all?

.....just a random thought.

Posted January 16, 2012 - 11:35am

Hypothetically yes/no? I was told that it depends on the gold/ferrous metal make-up of the watch. Gold cannot be magnetized, but the other metals can. I'm guessing if the watch has a stainless back it would be more prone to magnetism than say a gold plated watch.

Watch for my new "Tin Foil" hats on Ebay. Member discounts available ;-)

Bob Bruno
Posted January 16, 2012 - 11:37am

I was thinking the same thing Mark. I'm starting to think the watchmaker just asked about EMF's because the watch he said was magnetized was under warranty and this is the second time he's had to fix it for free!

Posted January 16, 2012 - 12:51pm

Bob, is it possible it's "Your Magnetic personality"???

Just may be the answer!!!


Bob Bruno
Posted January 16, 2012 - 2:20pm

Bob I never thought of that, your probably right!!! Let me tell the wife to forget the hat we've found the answer! :)

Posted January 16, 2012 - 4:01pm

Different watches would not necessarily be magnetized the same.  The alloys used in hairsprings changed with time and manufacturer.

Posted January 19, 2012 - 1:59pm

you guys are quite funny. but on a more serious note magnetism is not an exact science. certain parts of the earth exhibit more magnetism than others. i have an old pocket knife thats just right for opening case backs, used it about two years, wasnt magnetized when i started with it but it is now. how? the exact answer you search for is unknown. too many variables. best bet move the clock and or the watches.